Saturday, December 20, 2014

Happy Christmas :)

Teaching the Natives
a gift says
I thought of you
down to every last detail.
It doesn't have to be big or extravagant
Just a small something
with a lot of heart

Thursday, December 4, 2014

sewing a pennant

This quarter part of our schooling was
learning to sew.

My eldest has had a little experience with some of this 
so her first project was to hand stitch some pennants 
and then attach them to some binding by machine. 

We were both super happy with how they turned out! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

fingerless gloves from old socks.

The annual "break out the knee socks"
 weather has arrived!
And so once I again I go through my sock basket and
see whats too worn to wear.

I had a few pairs on the verge of becoming hole-y
I loved the patterns from these
So instead of just tossing them I decided to make some fingerless gloves!
re-use, re-cycle
win win!

This time I did a little different then in the past. 
I cut the top (or toe) part straight off
then I cut the heel part out. 
you can see in the pic above

 I ran some embroidery thread up the middle section. 
And then hand stitched the edges of the top
and thumb hole myself
making sure to stretch out the fabric as you go.
(otherwise your fingers may have a hard time fitting through)

Fingerless gloves!
Great for keeping the arms and hands warm
and still giving you access to all your fingers
You can even layer them over shorter fingered gloves for added warmth 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

setting personal goals...

 At the beginning of our school year I asked my natives if there was anything
 in particular that they wanted to learn about. 
My sweet Bell spoke up and announced she would like to learn cursive!
So I printed out and copied some practice sheets for all the letters
capitals and lower case.
I told her this was HER goal. 
She could work on it whenever she chose to 
it was up to her how fast or slow she go
This being my most driven child at times
She set right out to practicing.
I caught her in her spare time practicing and
trying to encourage her younger sibling to do the same.

Before the end of first quarter she had written her first cursive letter..
of coarse it was to Dad. haha Lucky guy ;)
Her handwriting (even being left handed) is probably one of the best in the house! 

I was so very proud of her and made a HUGE deal
about setting her own goal and achieving it!
This has been a bit of an encouragement as well to her other siblings
to set goals of their own to meet.
I do love the structure certain curriculums have to offer
But I also love the idea of them getting a chance to CHOOSE!
They have their own strengths and interests
and I feel like as a homeschooling family
we have the opportunity to hone those skills
and encourage self teaching.

Sitting kids in front of a book and giving them problems over and over 
has its teaching ability
however giving them the opportunity to dive in at their own speed 
to something that truly interests them 
is something I find quite nice. 

What do you think?
Do you have a preference of strict curriculum 
or a free range kind of learning.
I think between my Logical and artistic side like a balance of both.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

beauty berries...

 Ever seen these beauties?
I found them growing in our current back yard
when we moved in last year.

So very pretty!
I wanted to eat them..
but of coarse I first had to figure out what they were.
Then how I can use them.

 Turns out these amazingly gorgeous berries are not so tasty
But they make a great jam.
The only problem is they lose their color 
*sad face*

Has anyone ever used these for any other purpose?
There has to be some sort of recipe to find a use for them.
Even holistically speaking.. 
Let me know what you think?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A little fun with those plastic bead thingies..

Yes these plastic beads things!
We have a giant plastic container
So the natives sat around the dining room table
and got a little creative

So they designed their shape
Then we throw a little wax paper over it
and heat up the iron

And tada!! We had lots of sweet little shapes 
We decided to give as gifts and make into ornaments 
for some folks.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Telling time... analog style

 So the youngest native is working on 
dun dun dun....

I got these four little clocks (they all were the same) 
from the dollar store.
I then cut paper and covered the numbers 
I had enough clocks to make one
one I wrote the minutes, one roman numerals, and one military time

What I normally do is I randomly ask my youngest throughout the day
"what time is it?"
She then runs to the digital stove clock to tell me
then I have her go into the office
and set the analog clock to that time.
The minute one is next to the normal one so we can be reminded of how we count minutes.

If you want to make a game out of it
you can always write different times out on a sheet of paper
 have them pick one
and then see how fast they can get to it. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Learning money values..

So we call this "The Quarter Game"
or Dollar game
whichever you would like to play to 
and depending on the level
of money knowledge

First step
someone gets to be the banker
Next step
One of the natives rolls the die
They banker pays out that many pennies
And then its the next persons turn
When it comes back around to the first person 
they can trade in their pennies 
for a nickle
or nickles for dimes

First person to a quarter wins!
As our youngest natives progresses 
we will work our way up to playing to a dollar!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


We found her while doing some yard work
the natives watched her closely
and the littlest brave carried her around a bit.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Homemade granola

Dry Ingredients:
3 cups Quick Oats
1 cup slivered almonds (or cashews)
1 cup sweetened shredded coconut 
1/2 cup brown sugar
mix seprately

Wet ingredients :
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 maple syrup 
mix seperately

Mix dry & wet ingredients together
then spread out on baking sheets 
and bake at 250 degree oven

 Stir every 15 minutes till golden brown
It usually takes @ an hour

Once done you can add in raisins
cranberries or any dried fruit bits.
We like to mix in Blueberry flavored Craisins

This makes a great snack & super yummy cereal! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

stuffed peppers

  Got a bit of extra veggies you want to use up before they go bad? Stuff them into a pepper :)
We have made variations of this before.. but its always a crowd pleaser. Even for our picky eater.
Couscous, beef, corn, kale ...etc. all stuffed into green peppers and sprinkled with cheese.

Even the as leftovers. yum! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Squirrel feeder...

  We have a little apple tree
Its quite blooming with fruit this year
We couldnt not eat them all
So we decided to share


        The squirrels seem to like them
      They are almost gone already..

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday nights dinner...

So my youngest native wanted to make dinner
we happen to have a bowl of feta cheese 
ready to be stuffed into shells.
We had some super large pasta shells
And boiled them for about 2 minutes..

We then drained the shells and she began stuffing them 
full of cheesy goodness
This was quite fun for her
and easy enough
A little time consuming
but she made conversation
and had herself some
serious concentration going on
while she filled each shell 
as full as possible

She placed each shell
carefully into an oven safe dish

Once done she covered the shells in a pre-made pasta sauce
And a LOT of mozzarella
Then we put it in the oven for about half an hour 
and tada!!

A delicious meal 
and a very proud little native!
win win

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Coloring in our organs...

 We have traced their lifesized bodies onto paper
in the name of science
we are slowly filling them in

Today we learned about our digestion system
It is fun to learn together
and see their faces
when they hear what happens to all that yummy food ;)

We get to look at these awesome bodies
God has given us

and the youngest native was happy to share
she already knew
why we poop.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Family day at the beach

{Friday's field trip}
The man was home early today..
So after some quick lessons on how to properly clean house
We headed out for a day at the beach!

It was still a school day
so we had the natives search the shoreline for
biotic & abiotic items
(that covered science)
Then we worked on our history
We have been studying Ancient Egypt
the Pharoahs Tombs
and how they built pyramids
So we had them do just that!