Wednesday, October 22, 2014

setting personal goals...

 At the beginning of our school year I asked my natives if there was anything
 in particular that they wanted to learn about. 
My sweet Bell spoke up and announced she would like to learn cursive!
So I printed out and copied some practice sheets for all the letters
capitals and lower case.
I told her this was HER goal. 
She could work on it whenever she chose to 
it was up to her how fast or slow she go
This being my most driven child at times
She set right out to practicing.
I caught her in her spare time practicing and
trying to encourage her younger sibling to do the same.

Before the end of first quarter she had written her first cursive letter..
of coarse it was to Dad. haha Lucky guy ;)
Her handwriting (even being left handed) is probably one of the best in the house! 

I was so very proud of her and made a HUGE deal
about setting her own goal and achieving it!
This has been a bit of an encouragement as well to her other siblings
to set goals of their own to meet.
I do love the structure certain curriculums have to offer
But I also love the idea of them getting a chance to CHOOSE!
They have their own strengths and interests
and I feel like as a homeschooling family
we have the opportunity to hone those skills
and encourage self teaching.

Sitting kids in front of a book and giving them problems over and over 
has its teaching ability
however giving them the opportunity to dive in at their own speed 
to something that truly interests them 
is something I find quite nice. 

What do you think?
Do you have a preference of strict curriculum 
or a free range kind of learning.
I think between my Logical and artistic side like a balance of both.

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