Friday, April 10, 2015

the Nymphs have hatched

 This spring we decided to study Praying Mantis'
A while back we ordered and egg sack

It arrived in the mail shortly afterward. 
This little light weight
walnut-ish looking thing. 
We propped it up on a branch inside the 
"pop up big tent" that came along with the kit.

All I knew was it need to be "misted" about once a week
so that It didn't dry out.
And anywhere between 4-10 weeks it would hatch!?
So we wait
and repeat...
four- five weeks later

I look at the pop up tent
(it had been hung from our dining room chandelier so that we could all keep an eye on it)

and it was filled with little creatures!
Some moving about.
Others just sitting there.

They hung .. the dropped.. and then they moved about.
slowly and all afternoon
they came in waves...

And since they cannot be kept together for very long
(they can eat other .. and who wants that!?)
So we slowly and through out the afternoon
released them into that wild
that is our yard.
In bushes and trees...
somewhere between 100-200 I'd say...

Thankfully they were fairly slow moving
My natives were much less creeped out then they thought they'd be.
They were mosquito size..

and quite cute! 

We named them and let them go...
We kept a few to give to friends
and one for ourselves
in the name of science
and learning...

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