Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dice game

Family game time...
this week we play dice.
The natives love it
and we do to.
( I am told its the same rules as Farkle?)

Needless to say Mom and Dad got slaughtered.
But lots of fun and laughs along the way.

Oh yes.. and there is some MATH involved!
so win win ;) 

The rules in case you didn't click the link above ;

6 dice
You cannot count any of your points until you reach at least 500 points in a single round.( We did 200 so it was easier to 'get on the board' so to speak. ) When you reach 500 points for the first time, you may choose to immediately end your turn to prevent losing the points.
5’s = 50 point
1’s = 100 points
1,1,1 = 300 points
2,2,2 = 200 points
3,3,3 = 300 points
4,4,4 = 400 points
5,5,5 = 500 points
6,6,6 = 600 points
Four of a Kind = 1,000 points
Five of a Kind = 2,000 points
Six of a Kind = 3,000 points
A Straight of 1-6 = 1,500 points
Three Pairs = 1,500 points
Four of a Kind + a Pair = 1,500
Two sets of Three of a Kind = 2,500
first one to whatever amount you decide.. wins! 

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