Friday, April 24, 2015

Cleaning day

Yay Friday!... this morning is our "cleaning morning". 
The oldest is down for count with a fever and head cold... I've managed to clean up stairs baths and grabbed all towels on the way down to work on the kitchen. I open the wash to switch over the load from last night...
And's STILL dry!?
 Did I not hit the start button? 
Didn't this happen yesterday? 
Ok.. Maybe I'm losing it. 
grabs soap to put in washer.. hmmm the soap is still in I DID in fact attempt this last night..
 puts soap away, shuts front of washer and pushes start... nothing. 
pushes start again NOTHING! ?
 pushes start and a sequence of other buttons in order to get any reaction N O T H I N G!
I'm seriously hoping this giant machine is unplugged...because everything else works. And I've got two loads in line waiting and this things just sitting here like a stubborn metal box holding my hopes of clean and fresh clothes hostage. 

Minutes later, after refusing to let ONE machine hold up that much laundry,
I break out a few buckets and announce to my younger two
"Today we will learn how to wash Laundry by hand!"
gasps from the natives
"Can we do it!?" they ask excitedly..
But OF COARSE you can! 

(anyone else had their kids hand wash stuff?)

One washed , one rinsed
And I tossed all my towels and such on the porch. 
They Did pretty well!
... until tree seeds fell into the rinse bucket.
But It was only for the last two towels... 

Lesson learned and laundry done!
And when the Man got home...
He fixed the washer!

I love being able to turn negatives into positives!
Thank you Lord for these teachable moments!

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