Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Part of our Egypt study was on hieroglyphs

I try to take things out of what we are studying that we can actually DO.
In this case I made copies of the hieroglyphs
and gave each native two copies. 
"One for you to write with and the other, for whomever you write to, to decode it "
My youngest wrote a letter in regular English writing 
and then wrote a secret message at the end in hieroglyphics.
Then put it in an envelope and addressed it to "Dad"
There was even a little fake stamp on it

My middle one did about half and half 
and the eldest wrote her entire letter to Grandma coded in it.

The letters were fun to write
And the return letters in the mail were also fun!
win win!
And an A+ goes out to my Mom, who's letter we just got and decoded. ;)

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