Saturday, June 6, 2015

Agnes .. our praying Mantis

So photogenic! 
Having this Mantis in our home has been fun. 
My natives... who normally would not like to hold any sort of bug,
 have become more at ease. 
And, with the exception of one,
 they can hold her no problem and let her crawl on them.

Its funny to see my younger ones, 
and how they enjoy watching all the "gross" bug stuff .
Agnes has shed her skin about four times thus far.
(I believe they do a total of 6)
They also enjoy watching her catch whatever insects we put in as 'food'.
As a tiny nymph she could only eat flightless fruit flies.
But she has moved up to moths, crickets,
and other random bugs we find for her.

Here you can see she has grown quite a bit!
She started out the size of a small mosquito.

Here is Agnes in our mint plant.
yes, we let her roam a bit, from time to time.
Get her some fresh air and all ;)

We figure we will probably be letting her go at the end of the month. 
According to her life span will be @ 3-6 moths.
And we should release her once her wings come in.