Wednesday, May 28, 2014

babies at our doorstep

  I heard the little cries 
          Tiny tiny babies barely audible over the wind from an incoming storm. We searched and searched. The man went under the porch, even under the house! Flashlights in hand.. it was dark and I knew there was at least one kitten somewhere under our porch. Finally after prying up the lowest ground level board on our front steps we found them.
 Now I have never owned a cat, much less a day old kitten... and now I had three. One still had the ambilical cord attached. My first thought was they need milk! (WRONG) No thanks to every cartoon I've ever seen growing up.. kittens should NOT drink milk. (not cows milk at least)

So the man ran out to the only open store and grabbed some baby formula and an eye dropper. Thankfully some detailed instructions from a google search helped us get these little felines warm and fed. 
We woke up the natives to come see the tiny furballs we found. Though a bit apprehensive they were soon warming up to them and loving on them and watching over them. 
The Man and I then woke up every two hours to feed them, burp them (yes they do that apparently) and then rub their little parts with a warm cloth so that they could go "potty". Who knew!

Exhausted, the next morning we searched and called and prayed for someone who could take them and nurse them and find good homes for them once needed. Unfortunately it seemed no one was equipped to take in two day old kittens..
That or we were told they would be immediately "put down".
 No Bueno 

We were finally able to get some actual kitten formula and a tiny bottle to see if they would start feeding.
I got two out of the three to latch on. The last little one ( I named her suki) still took the dropper of formula
by the end of the day I was a bit in love with these tiny tigers <3

My Hubby then agreed to let us care for them until they were big enough to find good homes. 
But not a few minutes after that... we got a call from a woman who
had found a lady that had taken in many newborn kittens and fostered them until they were ready for homes of their own.
So sadly we fed them one last time and by now the natives had named them
Hampstead, Foghorn (the one who cried out), and Suki
We loved on them a few minutes more before meeting up with 
their new foster mommy!
The lady who ran the "saving cats" program was quite impressed with how well we took care of them. And offered us the opportunity
to sign up to be foster parents to other kittens that may be found.
We may actually do it too! 
For someone who was definitely NOT a cat person.. 
I have to say they won me over fast. ;)